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Cas McCulloughAbout Cas McCullough

Author, speaker, activist and prolific blogger Cas McCullough empowers women as mothers through her startup Mumatopia, and she empowers women solo business owners (and a few enlightened men) to drop the sales pitch and harness the power of content marketing through her Content Marketing Cardiology program. Cas is the author of Diving In: Practical tips for starting up and growing your home based business and writes a regular column on home based startups for www.startupsmart.com.au. Find Cas on Google+

  • Jacqui @ MMW Trademarks

    Great article Karen (as always!) – can’t help myself but ‘chime in’ on the point of being afraid to release an idea before it’s ready… Ideas themselves can’t be ‘protected’ to stop others using the same idea but some expressions of that idea can be – patents for example. If the idea will take a tangible form that’s inventive, new and useful then patent protection should be consider – in which case the inventor needs to ‘keep it a secret’ until they have sought appropriate advice and/or filed necessary applications… (If a patent is disclosed, released, published etc BEFORE filing an application this could result in an inability to secure exclusive rights to the ‘invention’.) For those that are worried about others copying their idea, there may be other ways to safeguard yourself but still be able to freely discuss your idea – which brings us back to one of Karen’s first points – do your research!